

halooo,gue hr ini bangun pagi jam setengah 6 gt trs tiduran makan mie~ mandi trs pake nailpolish wihiii,after all of that now i currently watch The Secret Life of The American Teenager padahal gue br nonton kmrn gitu wooof woof~~ trs gue lg nonton episode 3 part 5 abis itu gue search di youtubeand i'll post the video for you :""")
and this video is the scene when,Amy's young sister know that amy is pregnant. also when Ben KISSED AMY LIPSSSS wkwk padahal kmrn br belajar kissing lewat teddy bear.......+__+
okay okay today's plan!!!! but first i wanna go to dentist but the doctor was goin' to Beijing until July 12th wtf....jd liat nanti siang deh gue kmn huehe:D:D~~ ini masih pagi bgt gt jadi catch u later!