

emhhh tadi gue udah ulangan umum loh (baru sehari) haha. ya oke susah susah gampang.but i could have to do without cheating padahal gabisa haha.okay so besok gue ulangan math & pkn. so? gatau deh apaan haha. emm belakangan ini gue agak terganggu deh belajarnya because i'm little bit fall with some stuff called,book
eclipse,the third book of stephenie meyer...or following the story about edward cullen and isabella swan.ya bukannya apa apa sih but that book is so make me addicted ya (seru gitu maksudnya).

okay,so......anything else? check out my deviantart,because it's already updated! bye.......wish me luck for the test tommorow.because tommorow will be better ya krik krik