

oke deh..udah agak lama nggak ngepost haha,hari ini biasalah hari minggu.hari paling membosankan.mati lu! besok sekolah! gue blm bikin pr matematikaaaaaaaa 40 soal,oh my god its make me crazy,you know 1 week for holiday it's fun,but i want more more more.yeah today im so starving and thristy :'( and of course im bored.sunday is make me lazy,tomorrow is time for back to school.for study laughing thingking and anything else.okay i dont know what i want to write in this post,yea okay i currently reading the book of runway,my mom bought it from me.i'm so exciteeeeeeeeeed because inside the book is nice and TOP! i like it. and im watching dvd yeah i watch bring it on,i already watch it like 50 time a amonth! yes abis gue nulis posting ini buka puasaaaaaa oke deh,guys you know last i woke up at 16.17 pm?do you believe it?haha its crazy.and know im f.dvtl#69 precious one,i join that group yesterday,and first thanks for the leader tasha. oke deh buka puasa dulu ya sip ngga hihi bye lanjut nanti malem aja ye dadah sip nggak