
today to fall

waw,hari ini bener kan tuuuuuuuh, gue 1 hari di rumah online terus huhu,its make me bored. tau nggak mantan gue yang dulu? yaampun gue sayang banget sama dia,malahan gue kangen banget sama dia,dia udah jadian sama orang lain ya...... it's make me cry to much today,im so missing him,he is who he is want to do,i feel jealous.so?ya just let him go with his new girlfriend,i hope that he is happy with his beloved,ya just want to tell you.how deep is my love for him,is like a thousand years that we have passed but ya i dont want to destroy their relationships,so enjoy it guys. dont worry about me if i cry in front of you two. ahaha nggak laaah slow,okay so about my new prince?guess up,i totally wanna date him aaaa,he is make me wanna fly(lebay) wew ckck,besok udah sekolah,dan ih malesin abiss,oh yayaya,jangan lupa isi chat box gue ya,baru bikin baru nih yang lama ilang ckck. isi yaa. kalo gue nangisin dia terus,justru itu bikin dia seneng,yaa lepasin apa yang pernah terjadi. oh okay guyysss so dont forget to wish me luck for tommorow ya,amiin amiin. earffal15 alazhar bsd is the good one lovely honey bunny swetty darling! we can do it guysss for the next 1 year!